The Sleep Dilemma: Quantity vs. Quality – Separating Science from Wearable Hype

The Sleep Dilemma: Quantity vs. Quality – Separating Science from Wearable Hype

This blog post explores the age-old debate between sleep quantity and sleep quality, examining the benefits of each as supported by scientific evidence. It also discusses the limitations of consumer wearables like the Whoop, Apple Watch, and Oura Ring in measuring sleep quality accurately. The post highlights the importance of achieving a balance between quantity and quality and how wearables can serve as behavioral change tools. Additionally, it relates these concepts to endurance athletes, specifically swimmers, and their sleep-related needs for performance and recovery.

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Stroke for Stroke: 10 Winning Practices of the Best Swimmers

Stroke for Stroke: 10 Winning Practices of the Best Swimmers

Achieving greatness in the world of competitive swimming demands unwavering commitment and a well-structured training routine. Let's delve into the crucial components that shape the training regimens of the best swimmers:

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Compression Boots for Recovery

Compression Boots for Recovery

Pneumatic compression boots are a type of device that uses air pressure to massage and compress the lower legs and feet. They are often used by athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and people with circulatory issues to improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and aid in recovery from exercise or injury. In this blog, we will discuss the various benefits of pneumatic compression boots and how they can be used to improve overall health and well-being.

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Post Workout Nutrition

Unless the first thing you do in the morning is workout, breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day, your post workout meal is. Insulin and many other hormones responsible for recovery and optimal results are most sensitive within 30-120 minutes post workout. Its within this critical window, that you fuel all the hard work you just put in at the gym. Choosing a quick digesting protein and carbohydrate will shuttle nutrients into your muscles fast, maximizing lean tissue development and minimizing fat storage. Quick digesting proteins, like a whey protein supplement, eggs, or very lean meats, will help repair the muscle tissue that was broken down during training. Post workout is also the ideal time to consume starchy carbohydrates, as your body will most readily use these long chains of sugars to build lean tissue, and replenish glycogen stores for your next workout. Avoid fats within this post workout window as they slow down absorption, which would be a good thing at all of times of the day, allowing a steady stream of nutrients into the body, but would delay nutrients to your tissues post exercise. A 2:1 ratio of carbs to protein is a good balance during this time. Guys should shoot for 2 fist portions of protein, 2 cups,or 30-50g; women 1 serving, fist size, or cup. Above is a Super Shake version I often enjoy after training. Its nutrient dense and appropriately balanced. At approximately 500 calories, its a good appetizer to an additional whole foods meal I ll have within 2 hours of training.

2 Scoops Optimum Nutrition All Natural Vanilla Whey
1 Pint Blueberries
1 Banana
2 Cups Spinach
2 Tbsp Cinnamon
20oz Water
Calories 550, Protein 50g, Carbohydrates 80g - Sugars 50g, Fiber 15g, Fats 3

SMR - The Poor Man's Massage - Foam Rolling

Self Myofascial Release (SMR) is an active therapeutic modality involving manual massaging of the fascia encasing your muscles with a foam roller, stick, or other apparatus. Imagine your muscles are enclosed by tight weave of strings. Daily activity and training stretch and stress these strings. Imbalances and asymmetries in our biomechanical patterns result in compensations. These compensations put undue stress on some areas of our body resulting in adhesions and scar tissue along the fascia. These adhesions are commonly referred to as trigger points or hot spots. They are like knots in a string that can be tender to the touch. Left alone these trigger points may cause further dysfunction and compensation. Trigger points compromise the length and function of muscles, which lead to compensation and over use of other areas, resulting in injury. Foam rolling, although not new, is getting increased attention in the athletic and fitness realm. Use it as a compliment to your dynamic warm up routine and stretching cool down. While stretching involves the passive lengthening of a muscle, foam rolling further aides this process by kneading out adhesions and scar tissue along that length, creating great mobility.

Still not convinced? Check out "Feel better for 10 bucks: Self Myofascial Release: No Doctor Required by Eric Cressey and Mike Robertson at TMuscle. Great detailed explanations. My photos are better though :)

Please refer to my demo page for foam rolling examples and explanations.

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