3 Pool Skills Triathletes Need

If you want to compete with the swimmers, you have to train like one. Chances are you are already training with them. Here are the top 3 pool skills many triathletes lack, and why you need them to improve your training, improve your feel for the water, and improve your performance.

Streamlines - streamlining is the most fundamental position to learn how the shape of your body moves through the water, and creates drag. Streamlining off every start and wall, sets the tone for an interval or a race. It’s teaches you how to be aware of the greatest resistance slowing you down, drag forces, and how to continually improve your body position to maximize your fitness driving you through the water.

Dives - Diving is amplification of your streamline. Greater speeds, equal greater drag forces. Pool swimmers routinely do speed work from a dive, or assistive speed work with bands, fins and paddles, to simulate racing speeds in practice, and hone their position and stroke at greater speeds. It’s also an essential skill that saves time in events that allow starts from a dive.

Flip Turns - If you want to swim in a group and keep up with practice intervals in the faster lanes, you need to be flipping. Flipping is another piece of the streamline and drag equation, maintaining good speed in and out of your walls. It’s a good skill for pool time trial qualifications, and is part of a reporter of other turns and water maneuvers like a hairpin corkscrew turn around an open water buoy. Not to mention, it’s an awesome movement for your spine, adding some flexion patterns to an otherwise overly extended swimming posture. Your back, core and hips will thank you.

Looking to level up your pool skills? Check out the Improve Your 100 Freestyle in 10 Days! program by Coach Abbie Fish and me.

What pool skills could help you level up with your local training group?