Dryland Resistance Training for Youth Swimmers: Expert Guidance and Benefits

Dryland Resistance Training for Youth Swimmers: Expert Guidance and Benefits

In the realm of youth sports, including swimming, there has been a growing realization that strength training, also known as resistance training, plays a pivotal role in the holistic development of young athletes. Contrary to outdated beliefs and misconceptions, expert guidance from pediatric doctors, exercise physiologists, and strength and conditioning professionals, supported by organizations like the UK Strength and Conditioning Association (UKSCA) and the US National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), confirms the overwhelming positive body of evidence for youth resistance training. In this article, we will explore the expert guidance and the multifaceted benefits of incorporating age-appropriate resistance training into the regimen of youth swimmers.

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Coaching a swim across the English Channel

Coaching a swim across the English Channel

For the past two years I have coached Tom remotely, sometimes joining him in open water training swims, races, and channel pacing. At 44yrs, he swims 6 days per week for 2hrs hours or more, covering an average of 35km weekly. Outside of the pool hes improved his strength and power with twice weekly strength and conditioning workouts.

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